Free vegan dessert recipes

Claire from has come out with a vegan dessert cookbook called Are you sure that’s vegan? If they taste half as good as the photos look, they will be awesome! Here’s where the free…

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Food co-op order – June

Hmmm, what was that about being less tardy with this post? Oh well. Our order for June: * Light tahini — Essential, three 340g jars for £1.50 each. I have developed quite a taste for…

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Spicy butterbean burgers

I’ve finally discovered the secret to great bean burgers. A lot of beans burgers are too soft and mushy, and squish out of the bun when you’re eating them. (Remember: mush burgers aren’t us.) You…

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Food co-op order – April

Okay, I know it’s almost June and I’m just posting this now. But I do have my reasons… May was a very busy month down at the allotment! Our order for April: * Organic tomato…

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Vegan hamburger steaks

These meatless hamburger steaks are really amazing. The texture is EXACTLY like what I remember hamburger being like, and Mr Thrifty concurs. The taste is most delicious, though the flavour could be tweaked to make…

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Food co-op order — March

We joined a food co-op. Yay! Co-ops can be run in different ways. The way ours works is that we pay a small annual fee to join (£5), and are then able to buy anything…

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What I’ve been up to lately…

I know I’ve been neglecting my blog somewhat, but I’ve been a busy little beaver in the kitchen. I created the most amazing vegan-hamburger-steak-type thing which had just the perfect texture and a savoury and…

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