I’ve never had a rat as a pet, but I know they are clean, intelligent and friendly companions.
Here are some great photos by 18-year-old photographer Jessica Florence of Portsmouth, of her adorable rat, Bug.
“I photograph Bug simply because I love her.”
You can see more photos of Bug on Jessica’s Flickr page.
Adorable!!! I’ve had several rats as pets but don’t currently have any. They are incredibly intelligent and cleaner than my cats. Thanks for the dose of cute!
hahhaha my god too cute too cute.
my fav is the last one with the feet in the air!
beautiful! thanks for sharing!
looking at these, I really miss my pet rats 🙁
These pictures are so very sweet. People who don’t think rats are cute would be forced to change their minds after seeing these photos–who could resist this sweetness?
Oh my! How cute is Bug and how gorgeous are those photos!
I’ve had three rats in my time (being adopted by cats put paid to my rodent raising days!).
They are wonderful animals.
ohhhhh..the cuteness!! I think you’ve inspired me to adopt a rat!!
he is just too cute! especially the one where he is holding the mini bear.
Everybody loves Teddy Bear!! I can’t believe rats too!.
Aw, isn’t Bug cute! I currently have three rats, but they are all far to young to even think about sleeping when out and about!
Gorgeous, and great photos too.
O…M…G! These are fantastic photos! How I wish I’d had a digital camera when I had my pet rats c. 10 years ago. The photo of Bug sleeping on her back is FABULOUS!
Oh how ADORABLE!! i love the first picture! it combines two of my favorite things, converse and rats in the most adorable of ways!
ang cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
Hi this is Raquel and i love rats,they are so cute.
Omg! i hav got 2 hav this thang. 2 cute! even 4 a 5th grader 2 cute.
Soooo Cute… I Lowe Them