What to eat in cowboy country

I am on the road, dear readers, and who woulda thought it would be so easy to find veggie eats in the heart of beef country?

Okay, so it’s not gourmet fare, but it tastes good and it’s cheap.

First up, on the flight over:

Veggie curry with rice

Veggie curry with rice, dinner roll, vanilla soy pudding

This was not bad for food at 40,000 feet, 100% vegan, even the margarine which airlines normally don’t bother with. Plus when you order a special meal, you get served before anyone else.

Shredded carrots and houmous in pita

Shredded carrots and houmous in pita, l’il box of raisins

I really liked the combo of shredded carrots and houmous, though the houmous was lacking in garlic. I’ll be using this combo as a sandwich filling when I return from afar. When I was a kid, I would eat raisins if they were in the little Sun-Maid Raisins box, but not otherwise. I always was a sucker for packaging.

Fast food fixes:

Happy Camel falafel

Happy Camel falafel

Falafels are usually fried, but this offering from Happy Camel is fat free. Served on a pita with houmous, chopped salad and salsa. Garlicky… yummy. Happy Camel also sell an assortment of other veggie dips/spreads, including a super scrumptious red lentil paté.

KFC veggie chicken burger

KFC veggie “chicken” burger

I have to admit this took me back to my childhood, when I was in love with KFC chicken. This burger has the same tasty coating that KFC chicken does, without the cruelty. Apparently, KFC put this option on their menu after lobbying by PETA. Sadly, only available north of the 49th at the moment.

A&W veggie burger

A&W Swiss Veggie deluxe, sans cheese

I ordered this on the spur of the moment, without any prior research. Unfortunately, I found out afterwards that it is vegetarian, but not vegan, even without the cheese and dressing. Which is a shame, because it is really, really tasty.

That concludes Instalment 1 of What to eat in cowboy country. Stay tuned for more, coming real soon!


  1. hhehehe yea we really do get served first!

    Oh kfccccccccccccc…sigh it has been a while. A&W!!!
    I was so inlove with their coney dogs and rootbeer floats. Wow this post really brought back some nostalgic memories for me.

    Hope all is well with ya babe! Have safe travels.


  2. Ooooh, are you in Canada? That KFC burger looks the biz. Happy traveling.

  3. I like the carrot and hummus combo as well. And as a child my favorite thing about the rasin box was that if you put your entire mouth around it and blew, it made a loud honking sound–instant musical instrument or sibling annoyance, depending on your needs of the moment. :)Happy travels. I look forward to reading more!

  4. Denny — I don’t think I ever had a coney dog or rootbeer float at A&W, but I love their rootbeer.

    Jeni — ya, I’m in “The Chuck”!

    CM — I forgot about the noise-making capabilities of the mini raisin box!

  5. looks like a yummy meal. i finally posted something on mine. check it out!

  6. mmmm… food on the road. hey, if you haven’t had to resort to the food suitcase that all vegans seem to bring, then you’re doing well.

    that meal looks better than any I’ve had before on a plane. I typically bring a couple pb&j sandwiches. though on my flight on monday, I got some accidentally vegan pringles. sort of gross, but I wanted something crunchy.

    wow, I’m amazed that KFC actually listened to PETA. I hope they keep listening.

    I hope you have fun on the rest of your trip!

  7. oh, and the pitas look awesome. that is really some good road eatin’.

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